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Found Object

This series is a continuous project that looks at Fine Arts from a new perspective. The series rely on the artist intuitive nature where the design possess a combination of artlessness and sensibility. The sculptures in these series are mostly found objects, and marks of previous user is intentionally left behind.

Table Chair, 2015

Found Chair,  Cutting Table, and Red Rope

28 x 23.5 x 28 inches

Cart, 2015

Found Cart

18 x 15 x 39 inches

Office Chair Part, 2015

Office Chair

13 x 24 x 12 inches

Office Table Legs, 2015

Twelve Office Table Legs

28 x 45 x 30 inches

Cart's Underside with Clothes Hangers, 2016

Found Cart and Two Hangers

18 x 41 x 17 inches

Chair, Office Chair Part, and Black Rope, 2016

Found Chairs and Black Rope

20 x 21 x 48 inches

Office Chair Parts, 2016

Found Chairs

20 x 23 x 24 inches (Individual)

Stool and Grey Bungee Cords, 2016

Found Stool and Seven Grey Bungee Cords

14 x 20 x 24 inches

Office Chair Parts, Shelf, Grill, and Safety Flag, 2016

Found Chair, Shelf, Metal Grill, and Orange Mesh Safety Flag

8 x 31.5 x 33 inches

Found Bench, Wood, and Ratchet Straps, 2016

Found Bench, Wood, and Ratchet Straps

28 x 45 x 20 inches